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After every chapter, students are asked to complete a project for Social Studies to show what they learned. For your projects, you will complete a Google Slides presentation about what you learned in the chapter you completed. You must have at least one slide PER LESSON in the chapter, PLUS a title slide. You can submit your slides presentation to Audrina Chalbany, via email, by going to the contact tab. 

Grading Rubric:


10 pts. (A)

7-9 pts. (B-C)

4-7 pts. (D)

0-3 pts. (F)



A: Info is written in a clear, spectacular way, and can teach others


B-C: Info is written pretty well; few errors


D: Info has multitude of errors 


F: Info is not on topics at all


Slide layout


A: Slides are not distracting from the information


B-C: Slides are kind of distracting; too many colors, font not readable, etc. 


D:Slides are very distracting; too many colors, font not readable, etc. 


F: Slides are not able to be read




A: Pictures are relevant; do not cover up words, etc.  


B-C: Pictures are semi-relevant, some formatting issues


D: Pictures could be better, multiple mistakes


F: Pictures are irrelevant


Big Question


A: Big Question for the chapter is elaborated on


B-C: Big question for the chapter could be elaborated on better


D: Big Question is barely mentioned


F: Big Question is not mentioned at all 


Group work


A: All group members worked on project


B-C: Most group members worked on project


D: One or two group members worked on project


F: No relevant work is done on project

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